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Worship the Lord with us
Every Sunday at 10:00 AM
Worship Gatherings
As an Anglican church, our Sunday services follow a liturgy, which means “the work of the people.” This liturgy provides the structure and rhythms of our embodied worship, ushering us into the Presence of the Lord together. The primary aim of our worship gatherings is to meet with the Lord, and three central elements of our services help us do that: the person of the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
01. Spirit
We love the Holy Spirit, and it is our highest priority to welcome the Spirit of the Lord into our Sunday worship gatherings. We believe the Holy Spirit is the one who helps us love and worship Jesus and who empowers us to live the Christian life. We give the Holy Spirit our attention and ask him to minister to our hearts and minds, trusting that he is uniquely present among the body of Christ when we gather together in fellowship.
02. Scripture
Every Sunday several passages of Scripture are read aloud. These passages, or lessons, come from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Gospels. The preacher then leads the congregation through a deeper exploration of the Scriptures, teaching and encouraging us. At the end of every sermon, we leave room for silent prayer and meditation, asking God to speak to us and translate what we have heard into lived faith.
03. Sacrament
The culmination of our worship service is when we receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. The Eucharist (meaning "thanksgiving") is where we give thanks to God for sending Jesus to free us from sin and death. Through participating in Holy Communion, we receive afresh the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, broken and shed for us and for our salvation. At the table we are strengthened to live out the love and grace we have received in Jesus.
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